Home How TOs How to find Computer IP Address with CMD Prompt Using LAN

How to find Computer IP Address with CMD Prompt Using LAN

IP means Internet protocol i.e the address that can be used to find you in Internet. It normally varies by countries or you can even buy a static ip for your use. IP address is the unique number given by Internet, when you connect your PC or any Internet related devices with Internet Network.

Without IP address you can’t connect your system with Internet. Most times we may want to browse the web anonymously or openly, but in any case an IP address is very vital.

Today I’ll be giving a short tutorial for windows users using LAN. In the LAN Press Window + R and type cmd, press enter. A dialog box will open>type in cmd

Now you see CMD Prompt is open, type ipconfig and press enter.
You will find you IP Address in Command Prompt.

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