Home Social media Now You Can Send Attached Files Of Upto 50MB On Gmail

Now You Can Send Attached Files Of Upto 50MB On Gmail

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From what it used to be, Gmail only allowed file attachment with max limit of 25MB, but now information has it that you can now attach larger files as Google has increased the limit of sharing attachments on Gmail to 50MB.

However, there’s still a downside to this update, which is; you are only allowed to receive files up to 50mb but the sending size limit will remain the same at 25MB, this is because Google recommends that users who wish to share files larger than 25MB, should use Google Drive. Recall that Google Drive allows users to share files upto 5TB in size, given that the user’s drive account has ample storage.

The full roll out of this feature will be completed within 3 days, and after which it will be available for all Gmail users worldwide – Said Google.

I wonder what users would want to email that would be that large…


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