Home Bitcoin WHO Launches Chatbot For Realtime Covid19 Information Updates

WHO Launches Chatbot For Realtime Covid19 Information Updates

In an effort to combat the prevalent coronavirus and to better inform the world about CODIV-19, the WHO has launched a Facebook Messenger version of its WHO Health Alert platform – offering instant and precise information about COVID-19– via Facebook’s global reach.

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The WHO Health Alert help has just contacted 12+ million individuals utilizing the WhatsApp platform. In numerous districts hit hardest by COVID-19, complete informing through Facebook’s group of applications has expanded by over half. With this progress into Facebook Messenger, and other correspondence channels identified with it, WHO Health Alert can possibly contact 4.2 billion individuals – helping individuals shield themselves from COVID-19, forestall its spread, and comprehend the realities identified with the sickness. 
Instructions to Access WHO Chatbot on Facebook 
The WHO’s Health Alert intuitive assistance would now be able to be gotten to in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic through WHO’s legitimate Facebook page by choosing “Send Message” or through the devoted Messenger interface. 
The chatbot was created as a team with Sprinklr, as a piece of the WHO Technology for COVID-19 Initiative, a free coordinated effort of innovation organizations united by WHO explicitly to battle the COVID-19 pandemic.


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