Home Social media Expert Ways To Increase Social Media Engagement

Expert Ways To Increase Social Media Engagement

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Do you always desire to have a better engagement on your social media platforms? In today’s article I’ll be explaining ways to increase social media engagement.

First lets look at why social media engagement is important and the impacts it has.
Why Is Engagement Important?
Engagement is important because it offers a clearer insight into how successful your business is on social media and how people are connecting with your brand. Essentially, engagement is an indicator of how strong your customer relationships are – and we know this is more valuable than any numbers. After all, you’d think that engaged customers are more likely to remain loyal and use your services again – aren’t they?

Tracking your social media engagement allows you to determine whether the efforts you are putting into social media are working and whether customers are reacting to your campaigns – this can be a sign that your business is thriving.

How To Increase Social Media Engagement

Capture attention
The goal of using social media channels is to have your target audience to drive revenue or create awareness. But what is critical is to capture the attention of your target audience. It is important to understand who your target audience is and cater to them specifically.

For example, what is their age bracket? what do they care about? what do they want to know? Knowing what drives your target audience will help you develop fresh content for them. If you have comparison website, then a social post like “10 smartphones under 15000” with a link to the blog post would help solve consumer smartphones needs.

Stay trendy and timely
Timing is very important when it comes to social media posting. You do not want to post when everybody is asleep or busy at work. You should post when people are in transit to work or during evening hours. These are good hours since people follow up on social updates on their smartphones.

Use of photos
The saying goes a “Picture is worth a thousand words”. In social media, this is vital since images increases engagement rather than status updates or posted links. Images are clear and digestible to the mind. Use generic affiliate banners to promote on your social media platform to increase engagement with your target audience.

Use of call to action
On its own, a link posted to your page will not generate a lot of clicks. Move your social followers from your Facebook page to your website with a combination of incentives and call to action.

Express with emoticons
Plain text does not always show the emotion behind a post. A recent report shows a simple smiley face emoticon in your post can increase likes by 57%, comments by 33% and shares by 33% over post without them.

Gain data from Facebook Data
Facebook insights is a powerful tool for those wanting to track user interaction on your Facebook fan page. Use the data from insights to tell you which content your fans like seeing most on your page and adjust your content to include more of them.


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