Home Tutorials A Simple Guide on losing 12 pounds in a month.

A Simple Guide on losing 12 pounds in a month.

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Having excessive weight can be detrimental to one’s health as it may cause unwanted sicknesses. That is why Weight loss can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples include dieting, exercise, malnutrition or lack of access to food and is really good for the body.

1. Stop these fad diets and magical things that will make you lose weight. We’ve all tried them at some point, I’m not mocking you.

2. Weight on the scale is not the most accurate sometimes. Depends on your scale but re weighing on some scales shows a totally different number than before. Don’t worry about it, if you feel like you look skinny today but the number isn’t showing it, then the numbers wrong 🙂

3. Water is the most important thing ever, as not only does it hydrate you and is overall healthy, but it fills you up for next time.

4. Just measure your portions. In my case I was having a bit too much food for every portion and thats fine, I cut down which worked well.

5. Try running. This may seem daunting to some of us who were overweight as kids and were mocked whenever running, but, just try running a bit every day, on your way home or something.

Don’t ever stop trying to be healthier😄


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