Home Global News Nio Electric Car Crashes From Third Floor of a Shanghai building in...

Nio Electric Car Crashes From Third Floor of a Shanghai building in Fatal Accident

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A nio electric car in Shanghai, fell from a parked lot and crashed on the ground from the third floor leading to the death of two people.

One member of Nio’s staff and an employee from a partner company were killed in the accident, the Chinese electric carmaker said in a statement Thursday.

Both were inside the test vehicle, which crashed on Wednesday afternoon at the Shanghai Innovation Park, Nio (NIO) said in a Weibo post. The company’s headquarters is inside the industrial park.

Noo which was founded by Chinese entrepreneur William Li in 2014, has become one of the fastest growing electric car startups in China, and one of several homegrown rivals to Elon Musk’s Tesla.

The company Nio has confirmed the incident and has said they are cooperating with the police to investigate the accident.


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