Home How TOs “Unfortunately App Has Stopped” Problem on Android? How to fix It

“Unfortunately App Has Stopped” Problem on Android? How to fix It

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The Unfortunately “enter app name” has Stopped error is a common application error message that has plagued android phones users for long. It pops it’s ugly head when you launch or in the middle of using that app. Terribly annoying right?

 Today, we are going to look at seven (7) easy method to fix this Unfortunately app has Stopped problem involving 6 steps and 1 extra last resort.

The six (6) steps are:

Emptying the app storage

Means clearing the cache and data. Applications like the contacts, gallery and launcher faced with Unfortunately app has Stopped can generally be fixed this way. There are two ways to go about it. Either manually or using an application.

To do it manually,

First, navigate to Settings on your device.
Go to Applications > Application manager
Swipe left until you find the All tab.
Scroll down to the app that’s causing problems and tap on it.
Here you will find the Clear data and Clear cache options.
Clear out the app’s storage

Clearing an app’s cache can often solve the ‘app has stopped’ problem.

Before you proceed, you must note what clear cache and clear data means.

Clear cache is the option you should start with. It will get rid of saved data that allows apps to load a little quicker when you launch them. Clearing it means the app will open a little slower, but your main problem might well be solved.

Clear data will erase all the app’s data permanently, including files, settings and accounts, so don’t use this unless you have to.

Using an automated application like AIO Cleaner, CM security, DU Booster, Clean Master, Avast Security etc can also fix Unfortunately app has stopped errors for All apps installed.

If you want to use AIO Cleaner Application, open it and click junk files and clear all cache.

Clearing an app’s cache data using AIO Cleaner
Clearing an app’s cache data can often solve the ‘app has stopped’ problem.

Note: After each method you need to reboot the phone to make it effective.

If after you are done with step one (1) and the fix Unfortunately app has stopped errors message persist, don’t worry, there are still five (5) methods to try out. Let’s try step two (2).

Move the app from Phone Storage to Internal Storage

Most applications functions optimally when ran from the internal storage. From experience, Unfortunately app has stopped errors starts appearing when the app is been ran from the sdcard. A user experiencing this error has this to say:

moving app from sdcard to internal memory to fix error
User confirms how moving app from sdcard to internal memory fixed Unfortunately, app has stopped errors.

Also, you can either do it manually or with automated apps.

To do it manually,

First, navigate to Settings on your device.
Go to Applications > Application manager
Swipe left until you find the All tab.
Scroll down to the app that’s causing problems and tap on it.

Don’t forget to reboot the phone to make it effective.

If after you are done both steps above and the fix Unfortunately, app has stopped errors message still persist, don’t worry, go ahead with step three (3).

Increase internal storage (Partition sdcard to give more juice to internal memory)

You must have noticed we have been dealing with storage issues so far. Partitioning the SD card will increase the ROM storage of the device. By this you can link the applications that are installed on phone memory to the created partition thus freeing up more internal space. Your mobile becomes faster and there will be lot of space available for you which might reduce the likelihood of Unfortunately, app has stopped errors from occuring.

I recommend using Aparted apps to partition your SDcard.

If after you are done both steps above and the fix Unfortunately, app has stopped errors message still persist, don’t worry, go ahead with step four (4).

Update affected application that is showing error message (playstore or other source)

Running outdated applications can also cause Unfortunately app has stopped errors. Goto playstore and search for application that is giving problem and update it.

If after you are done both steps above and the fix Unfortunately, app has stopped errors message still persist, don’t worry, go ahead with step five (5).

Uninstall the affected application and Reinstall it back.

If the app isn’t built-in, you can also try uninstalling it and then reinstalling it from the Google Play Store. Simply choose the application and hold it (short press) and drag it up to uninstall bin and remove your hand, it will ask you to confirm it Press “Ok”. Afterwards, you can install it again. Open the Play Store app and search for the required app. Find the app in question and hit Install, which takes a few seconds.

If after you are done both steps above and the fix Unfortunately app has stopped errors message still persist, don’t worry, go ahead with step six (6).

Do a soft reset.

You can also try doing a soft reset, which simply means restarting your device. This is super simple and quite effective if your phone has been on for a long time. A soft reset will power cycle your phone, turning it off and then back on again.

It’s a good idea to turn your phone off every few days for a few minutes – this will help a sluggish phone with a variety of issues, whether they’re related to the app, network, audio or email.

Last resort: Factory reset

When the above solutions have failed, you can resort to factory reseting your phone. When doing a factory reset, ensure that you have backed up all of your data beforehand. I repeat: back up all of your data first. A factory reset will wipe your device and set it back to factory defaults, taking everything, including any bugs, with it. You can restore your apps and data afterwards easily, as long as you’ve made a backup.

Below are the step to do factory data reset:

Go to Android Phone settings
Scroll to factory data reset, click it
If it ask for password put your phone lock password.
Phone will reboot
Did these solutions fix the problem for you? What others fixes do you know for these little pesky Android problems that you can share with your fellow beginner users? Tell us in the comments.


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