Home Social media Mozilla Firefox Browser For iOS Has Been Updated With Some Useful Features

Mozilla Firefox Browser For iOS Has Been Updated With Some Useful Features

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Mozilla recently rolled out the latest update to its Firefox browser for iOS. The new version is said to be faster, offers some new features and more efficient. The new version of the browser offers up to “40% reduction in CPU usage and up to 30% reduction in memory usage”.
 One of the major additions includes a new feature that allows users to add other search engines like Wikipedia. 

Nick Nguyen who is the vice president of Firefox product wrote in a blog post “Simply go to a website with a search box and tap on the magnifying glass to add that search to your list of search engines,”. 

The new version of the browser which as mentioned offers up to “40% reduction in CPU usage and up to 30% reduction in memory usage”, helps in loading web pages faster while saving battery life. 

The latest update has improved navigation inside the app. “Firefox for iOS features a brand new menu on the toolbar that allows for easier navigation and quick access to frequently-used features – from adding a bookmark to finding text in page,” Nguyen said.

Mozilla has also made it easy for users to recover all closed tabs and navigate through open tabs. Users can also add their favourite page as the homepage. The designated website will open instantly from “home” button.


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